A Letter From Alex Chester - December 2020

Hapa Mag - December 9, 2020


Dearest Readers, 

Well, here we are at the end of 2020. I can honestly say this has been the longest year of my life, yet at the same time, it’s gone by in the blink of an eye.

I hope this issue finds you healthy. The amount of loss we all have witnessed, whether personally or by just turning on the news, has been devastating. 2020 sucked.

Yet, here I am, here we are. Even amid a pandemic, Hapa Mag has grown so much this year. Between our mention in the Nielsen Consumer Report for Asian Americans, our pop-up with Mixed in America, and numerous celebrity interviews, I can honestly say 2021 better watch out. If 2020 is any indication of what this publication can accomplish when the world is on fire, just imagine next year when (fingers crossed) we have some semblance of order. With all that said, you’re going to want to stay tuned. We have some exciting things in store for the coming year.

With the holiday season fast approaching, even if you can’t be with family this year due to the pandemic, I hope you can find some joy and reasons to celebrate.

Please continue to be kind to each other and practice mindfulness. Everyone is going through it, and we all need to be gentle with ourselves and our friends and family. Hapa Mag is a community, and I hope you know you are part of this growing fellowship.

I truly believe being Hapa is a superpower. We can see both sides of a situation, and while there’s still much work to be done toward achieving social justice and equality, I believe we must continue telling our stories and bridging the gap between cultures.

Happy Holidays!