Comic: Busaiku

Hapa Mag - MAY 13, 2020

By Tiffany Royrock

A watercolor painted blue sky with clouds. Painted cursive text says "Busaiku," with print text below stating "by Tiffany Royrock"
A watercolor painting of a baby decked in Lululemon doing pilates on a field. The Vancouver skyline is behind them. Someone not shown says "Very transcendent Kale!!!"
An illustrated self-portrait of a mixed Asian girl. Her face is in a red background with doodled question marks and European and Japanese foot utensils and seasonings interspersed
An illustration of a little girl wearing her mother's wedding dress. She says "lol" and is labeled as having "hobbit feet" Her mother's floating head warns her that she's "gonna rip [the dress]"
Various images of someone playing volleyball until their fingers were sore, someone standing on the scale with their weight coming out as "not good enuf" (which the person responds "ahh shit") and a magazine promoting anti-fat and pro-thin messaging
An illustration of an unhealthily thin blonde and tan woman posing in a pink two piece. She has a purple and pink handbag and is wearing matching sunglasses and shoes. Her lips look poorly botoxed. Gold shimmers surround her
A bottle of cayenne lemon water. The bottle is labeled with checkpoints for "breakfast," "lunch," and "dinner." A floating quotation promotes their cayenne cleanse, while another reminds them that they are 14 years old, dissuading them of the cleanse
A girl eating a hamburger looks at her unhealthily skinny toxic friend who is eating a salad. Her friend says she's already full from a bite of salad and dissuades her from eating meat, much to the girl's disdain
An illustrated house in Montreal. A person walks their dog n front of it, while an elderly person sits on a bench in front of it. A yellow motorbike stands in front of it. The house is bordered by a pink clothing store and a red brick building
A birds eye view of a picnic table with bagels, stacked sandwich, red wine, fries, and what appears to be maple syrup. Glimmers are next to the food, with text praising the carbs
A mixed Asian woman lounges in pjs and has a cigarette in her mouth. Orange text behind her says "Bad Bitch"
A plus-sized mixed Asian woman poses wearing pajamas and sushi rolls for hair curlers. She looks at the viewer like a mid-20th century Hollywood star would stare at the camera. She shimmers

A mixed Asian woman lies down on an orange-tiled floor in a snow angel position. Her winter coat matches the floor

Tiffany Royrock is an artist based in Vancouver, BC. When she’s not busy working on her latest finger painting she’s probably trying to roller skate. She does not have plans to combine the two. Follow her at @chibichan.desu and