A Letter From Alex Chester - December 2018


For the first time, I’m really scared for our country. There is so much hate and violence going on and it seems like every day there is another shooting, another bomb threat.

This is why Hapa Mag is even more vital during these turbulent times. We mixed folk can help heal this broken world. I truly believe that. We straddle different cultures/creeds/viewpoints/heritages, and I believe our Hapa-ness can bring people together.

To all our readers, please remember to be kind to your fellow humans. Because no matter the color of your skin, your religion, your social standing, we are all the same. We all want to be seen and heard and loved. And right now, that’s exactly what our country needs: love.

I wish for you a very happy holiday season filled with loved ones and good food.

Here’s to a new year full of hope, and most importantly, love.
