SEPTEMBER 13, 2021
September 13, 2021
By Alex Chester & Sam Tanabe
Disney Channel star Peyton Elizabeth Lee and Creator/Executive Producer of Doogie Kamealoha M.D. Kourtney Kang discuss the inspiration behind the new Disney+ show and the impact of having a mixed Asian family at the center of the story.
By Avelina Kiyome Sanchez
“I’m a 17-year-old Japanese American-Puerto Rican New York City high school student sharing my journey as a mixed-race kid, of finding my own identity despite how I’m perceived by the outside world.”
By Olivia Truffaut-Wong
The Kung Fu Star Opens Up About Her Villainous Role.
By Lauren Lola
In a take on exploring the stereotype regarding Asians knowing martial arts, Lauren Lola speaks to several mixed-race Asians who actually do practice them and why.
By Bri Ng Schwarz
MAM writer Bri talks with French/Chinese, Vancouver based actor Tony Giroux about finding home on and offscreen.
By Stephanie Mieko Cohen
MAM writer Stephanie caught up with actor Tiana Le to talk about Big Shot, her many talents, and what being mixed race means to her.
By Stephanie Mieko Cohen
Growing up as a child actor myself, this interview was such a treat for MAM writer Stephanie. She sat down with Laya to talk about her budding career.