Recipe: Boozy Thin Mint Smoothie


By Melissa Slaughter


Let’s all just agree that Girl Scout Cookies are the reason for the spring season. It’s not the shorts or summer dresses that are indicative of the hot summer around the corner. It’s not the blossoms in bloom, because we can’t see them through our allergies and dry eyes. And it’s not the fruit that comes in season, because we’ve been buying avocados from Trader Joe’s anyway. It’s hoarding Girl Scout Cookies in your freezer and eating Thin Mints by the sleeve.

Maybe Thin Mints aren’t your favorite Girl Scout cookie. I can respect that. I have a love of Samoas, an adoration for Tagalongs, but also a slight distrust of shortbread. But, to me, there’s nothing better than a frozen Thin Mint. Except, maybe, a boozy Thin Mint Milkshake.

That’s right! My warm weather seasons are no longer complete without at least one glass of this milkshake! How could it be? It involves all the greatest desserts the world has to offer: Thin Mint cookies, ice cream, chocolate and alcohol. It’s a spring dream. So get a glass, fill it up and enjoy!


  • 8-10 scoops of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

  • 7-12 Thin Mint Cookies

  • 1/2 cup of Almond Milk

  • 2 shots of Alcohol (Kalhua, Baileys, Creme de Menth. Whatever you have on-hand

Place all the ingredients into a blender or a food processor. Place into two glasses.
*Optional — throwing the second serving back into the freezer. Makes for a great boozy ice cream.

Total time: 10
Yield: 2 servings


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Melissa has lived in all four time zones in the contiguous United States. A former actor in Seattle, WA, Melissa now resides in NYC as a content creator. She is the producer of the We're Not All Ninjas podcast, which she also hosts with fellow Hapa Mag writer, Alex Chester. Melissa also writes for online blogs Nerdophiles and The Nerds of Color. Find her @NotAllNinjasPod.