May 13, 2020
Issue 011’s letter from founder Alex Chester
By Alex Chester
Check out Alex’s interview with actor Kai Bradbury. Kai dishes on his mixed Japanese and Scottish heritage as well as his experiences working on shows such as AMC’s The Terror and CW Seed’s Warigami.
By Sam Tanabe
Phil Chan is co-founder of Final Bow for Yellowface, a pledge to eliminate offensive stereotypes of Asians on the stage. Read his exclusive Hapa Mag interview here, along with an excerpt on from his recently released book about “being both.”
By Nathan Liu
HM writer Nathan Liu discusses the importance of two recently dropped Netflix series: Hollywood and Never Have I Ever. Both include half Asian actors playing half Asian characters. When was the last time you saw casting this accurate?
By Stephanie Jack
Return writer Stephanie Jack interviews multi-hyphenate Blake Abbie. Get the dish on Abbie’s experience growing up mixed, his role on the popular Chinese television series Meteor Garden, and his work in fashion, including A Magazine Curated By.
By Sam Tanabe
Check out this issue’s feature artist profile of Mizuki Nishiyama. Mizuki has shared pieces from her solo exhibition “Love and Lust,” as well an exclusive Hapa Mag interview.
By Olivia Chen
HM editor Olivia Chen explains how “not many people say she looks like her mom” in this special Mother’s Day piece. Read on to see how this statement has affected Olivia at different points in her life.
By Michelle Geffner
Guest Contributor Michelle Geffner discusses the tricky subject of unseen privilege that comes with being mixed race, how that plays out in Asia vs. America, and the mixed obligation during the COVID-19 crisis.
By Rebecca Lee Lerman
HM writer Rebecca Lee Lerman talks about her recent dating adventures using a Jewish matchmaker.
By Tori Eldridge
Author Tori Eldridge contributed this beautiful article on her Hawaiian-Chinese heritage for AAPI Heritage Month. Read on to learn about her experience growing up in a place where Asian and Pacific people are accepted and celebrated.
By Tiffany Royrock
Looking for a comic featuring curvy Hapa women? Artist Tiffany Royrock shares Busaiku with our readers, highlighting the toxicity of superficial judgement and the importance of loving yourself, AAPI Heritage Month and all year round!